Safe Routing in ReScript

rescriptJanuary 04, 2020Dotby Alex Fedoseev

Once you start using a language with sound and expressive type system, to fully leverage its advantages you should push loosely typed entities to the edges of application. One such entity is the URL. As you don’t let raw JSON leak into internals of your app, the same way, raw URLs shouldn’t leak either.

What is the URL? URL is stringily typed identifier which is extremely flexible but not safe at all. Its main purpose is to identify the current location of a user in a web app.

Let’s break down what actually needs to be done to make URL-based routing safe:

  1. At the moment, when URL from a browser hits an application, it should be deserialized from a string into a safe domain-specific type.
  2. When application navigates a user to a different view, the value of the next location should be serialized back into a string, since this is what a browser expects.

As I mentioned in the beginning, this process is very similar to JSON handling. Let’s see how it might look in an actual app like a blog.


Before we get started, here is the link to the example apps, in case you want to skim through it or poke around implementation.

There are 2 key modules you should pay attention to:

  • Route.res: application routes
  • Router.res: router specific code

Now, let’s dive into details.

URL deserialization

This step is one of the very first steps performed on an application start. To start rendering UI, we need to know where a user is. Once we figured it, we can either render an appropriate view or redirect the user somewhere else.

Since current route might have only one value at the given moment in time, this is a perfect case for a variant:

// Route.res

type t =
  | Main
  | Posts
  | Post({slug: string})

To convert browser url into this type, we will use a router that comes with @rescript/react (honestly, this is all you need to handle routing in your web apps).

It provides a hook RescriptReactRouter.useUrl() which returns url record:

type url = {
  path: list<string>,
  // ... other props like hash, search etc.

Let’s implement a function Route.fromUrl that takes RescriptReactRouter.url and returns option<Route.t>.

// Route.res

type t =
  | Main
  | Posts
  | Post({slug: string})

let fromUrl = (url: RescriptReactRouter.url) =>
  switch url.path {
  | list{} => Main->Some
  | list{"posts"} => Posts->Some
  | list{"posts", slug} => Post({slug: slug})->Some
  | _ => None // 404

Alright, now we can deserialize url that comes from a browser into our own safe type. We can wrap RescriptReactRouter.useUrl hook into a thin application-specific hook that would produce app route:

// Router.res

let useRouter = () => RescriptReactRouter.useUrl()->Route.fromUrl

And finally, we can render the app:

// App.res

let make = () => {
  let route = Router.useRouter()

  switch route {
  | Some(Main) => <Main />
  | Some(Posts) => <Posts />
  | Some(Post({slug})) => <Post slug />
  | None => <NotFound />

Now when we rendered UI, we should provide a way to navigate from one screen to another. In general, there are 2 ways navigation can be approached:

  1. via HTML links
  2. programmatically, i.e. dispatching next location after some side effects, such as login/logout.

Therefore, the task is reduced to the implementation of 2 handlers:

  1. Router.Link component that handles navigation via HTML links. It should accept the application-specific route and serialize it internally into a string to dispatch the next location to a browser when a user interacts with a link.
  2. Router.push function, that takes the application-specific route, serializes it and dispatches the next location to a browser using History API (Router.replace function can be implemented the same way if required).

I can offer two ways to solve this problem: one is more concise but with additional runtime overhead, and another one is faster performance-wise but requires additional type. Let’s start with the former.

Using single type for matching and navigation

If your app doesn't have a lot of links, this approach should be good to go. We already have Route.t type implemented. To be able to dispatch it to a browser, we need to implement toString function that would take Route.t and return a url string that browser expects.

// Route.res

let toString = route =>
  switch route {
  | Main => "/"
  | Posts => "/posts"
  | Post({slug}) => `/posts/${slug}`

And this is all we need to implement Router.Link component and Router.push function.

// Router.res

let push = (route: Route.t) => route->Route.toString->RescriptReactRouter.push

module Link = {
  let make = (~route: Route.t, ~children) => {
    let location = route->Route.toString

      onClick={event =>
        // Simplified implementation of handler
        // See example repository for the full version

Note that both these functions accept Route.t type instead of arbitrary string, which makes it impossible to dispatch a wrong url through these interfaces.

A link in the app would look like this:

<Router.Link route=Posts>

This approach has one downside though. If you render a lot of links, you might notice runtime overhead since on each re-render Route.t gets serialized into a string. Of course, you can try to memoize things, but if perf is critical, you can get rid of runtime overhead completely by considering the second approach.

Using different types for matching and navigation

This approach is similar to the one we discussed in “Safe Identifiers” post. We can skip the serialization step and make it zero-cost. The trade-off is that we must introduce a new type and handle packing/unpacking.

// Route.res

type t'

external make: string => t' = "%identity"
external toString: t' => string = "%identity"

let main = "/"->make
let posts = "/posts"->make
let post = (~slug: string) => `/posts/${slug}`->make

Here, we introduced abstract type t'. This is the type that would be accepted by Router.Link component and Router.push function instead of Route.t variant. And this is the only change to Router module implementation.

Inside the Route module, we pack every URL string into Route.t', so only URLs defined in this module would be accepted for navigation. It doesn't have runtime cost, since we used %identity external to pack/unpack strings.

Finishing touch to make implementation completely safe is creating Route.rei interface file, in which we remove make function thus it won’t be exposed to the rest of the app and it won’t be possible to create Route.t' outside of the Route module.

// Route.resi

type t =
  | Main
  | Posts
  | Post({slug: string})

let fromUrl: RescriptReactRouter.url => option<t>

type t'

// No `make` external here
external toString: t' => string = "%identity"

let main: t'
let posts: t'
let post: (~slug: string) => t'

Now you can render links as following:

<Router.Link route=Route.posts>

And that's pretty much it. Happy & safe coding!

Closing Remark

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