Pry, Ruby, Array#zip, CSV, and the Hash[] constructor

railsSeptember 15, 2014Dotby Justin Gordon

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a popular article, Pry, Ruby, and Fun With the Hash Constructor demonstrating the usefulness of pry with the Hash bracket constructor. I just ran into a super fun test example of pry that I couldn't resist sharing!

The Task: Convert CSV File without Headers to Array of Hashes

For example, you want to take a csv file like:

| 1 | Justin | Gordon |
| 2 | Tender | Love   |

And create an array of hashes like this with column headers "id", "first_name", "last_name":

    [0] {
               "id," => "1",
        "first_name" => "Justin",
         "last_name" => "Gordon"
    [1] {
               "id," => "2",
        "first_name" => "Tender",
         "last_name" => "Love"

You'd think that you could just pass the headers to the CSV.parse, but that doesn't work:

[11] (pry) main: 0> col_headers = %w(id, first_name last_name)
    [0] "id,",
    [1] "first_name",
    [2] "last_name"
[12] (pry) main: 0> csv = CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: col_headers)
(pry) output error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `table' for #<Object:0x007fdbfc8d5588>>

Using Array#zip

I stumbled upon a note about the CSV parser that suggested using Array#zip to add keys to the results created by the CSV parser when headers don't exist in the file.

Using Array#zip? What the heck is the zip method? Compression?

[1] (pry) main: 0> ?

From: array.c (C Method):
Owner: Array
Visibility: public
Signature: zip(*arg1)
Number of lines: 17

Converts any arguments to arrays, then merges elements of self with
corresponding elements from each argument.

This generates a sequence of ary.size _n_-element arrays,
where _n_ is one more than the count of arguments.

If the size of any argument is less than the size of the initial array,
nil values are supplied.

If a block is given, it is invoked for each output array, otherwise an
array of arrays is returned.

   a = [ 4, 5, 6 ]
   b = [ 7, 8, 9 ]
   [1, 2, 3].zip(a, b)   #=> [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9]]
   [1, 2].zip(a, b)      #=> [[1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8]][1, 2], [8])    #=> [[4, 1, 8], [5, 2, nil], [6, nil, nil]]

Hmmmm….Why would that be useful?

Here's some pry command that demonstrate this. I encourage you to follow along in pry!

I first created a CSV string from hand like this:

[2] (pry) main: 0> csv_file = <<-CSV
[2] (pry) main: 0* 1, "Justin", "Gordon"
[2] (pry) main: 0* 2, "Avdi", "Grimm"
[2] (pry) main: 0* CSV
"1, \"Justin\", \"Gordon\"\n2, \"Avdi\", \"Grimm\"\n"
[3] (pry) main: 0> CSV.parse(csv_file) { |csv_row| p csv_row }
CSV::MalformedCSVError: Illegal quoting in line 1.
from /Users/justin/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/csv.rb:1855:in `block (2 levels) in shift'

Doooh!!!! That taught me that creating a legit CSV string is not as easy as it sounds.

Let's create a legit csv string:

[4] (pry) main: 0> csv_string = CSV.generate do |csv|
[4] (pry) main: 0*   csv << [1, "Justin", "Gordon"]
[4] (pry) main: 0*   csv << [2, "Tender", "Love"]
[4] (pry) main: 0* end

Notice, there's no quotes around the single word names!

If I use CSV to parse this, we get the reverse result, the array of arrays, back:

[16] (pry) main: 0> CSV.parse(csv_string)
    [0] [
        [0] "1",
        [1] "Justin",
        [2] "Gordon"
    [1] [
        [0] "2",
        [1] "Tender",
        [2] "Love"
[17] (pry) main: 0> CSV.parse(csv_string).class
Array < Object

Ahh…Could we use the Hash[] constructor to convert these arrays into Hashes that place the proper keys?

[18] (pry) main: 0> first_row = CSV.parse(csv_string).first
    [0] "1",
    [1] "Justin",
    [2] "Gordon"
[19] (pry) main: 0> col_headers = %w(id, first_name last_name)
    [0] "id,",
    [1] "first_name",
    [2] "last_name"
[20] (pry) main: 0>
    [0] [
        [0] "1",
        [1] "id,"
    [1] [
        [0] "Justin",
        [1] "first_name"
    [2] [
        [0] "Gordon",
        [1] "last_name"
[21] (pry) main: 0> Hash[ ]
         "1" => "id,",
    "Justin" => "first_name",
    "Gordon" => "last_name"


Now, let's fix the array of arrays, creating an array called rows

[22] (pry) main: 0> rows = CSV.parse(csv_string)
    [0] [
        [0] "1",
        [1] "Justin",
        [2] "Gordon"
    [1] [
        [0] "2",
        [1] "Tender",
        [2] "Love"

Then the grand finale!

[24] (pry) main: 0> { |row| Hash[ ] }
    [0] {
               "id," => "1",
        "first_name" => "Justin",
         "last_name" => "Gordon"
    [1] {
               "id," => "2",
        "first_name" => "Tender",
         "last_name" => "Love"

And sure, you can do this all on one line by inlining the rows variable:

CSV.parse(csv_string).map { |row| Hash[ ] }

Using headers option in CSV?

Well, you'd think that you could just pass the headers to the CSV.parse, but that doesn't work:

[12] (pry) main: 0> csv = CSV.parse(csv_string, headers: col_headers)
(pry) output error: #<NoMethodError: undefined method `table' for #<Object:0x007fdbfc8d5588>>

Well, what's the doc?

[13] (pry) main: 0> ? CSV.parse

From: /Users/justin/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.2/lib/ruby/2.1.0/csv.rb @ line 1278:
Owner: #<Class:CSV>
Visibility: public
Signature: parse(*args, &block)
Number of lines: 11

  parse( str, options = ) { |row| ... }
  parse( str, options = )

This method can be used to easily parse CSV out of a String.  You may either
provide a block which will be called with each row of the String in turn,
or just use the returned Array of Arrays (when no block is given).

You pass your str to read from, and an optional options Hash containing
anything CSV::new() understands.

Hmmm…seems that passing the headers should have worked.

The CSV docs clearly state that the initialize method takes an option :headers

:headers If set to :first_row or true, the initial row of the CSV file will be treated as a row of headers. If set to an Array, the contents will be used as the headers. If set to a String, the String is run through a call of ::parse_line with the same :col_sep, :row_sep, and :quote_char as this instance to produce an Array of headers. This setting causes #shift to return rows as CSV::Row objects instead of Arrays and #read to return CSV::Table objects instead of an Array of Arrays.

So, what can we call on a new CSV object? Let's list the methods.

[25] (pry) main: 0> ls, headers: col_headers)
  all?            count       each_entry        find        group_by  map      minmax     reject        sum         to_table
  any?            cycle       each_slice        find_all    include?  max      minmax_by  reverse_each  take        to_text_table
  as_json         detect      each_with_index   find_index  index_by  max_by   none?      select        take_while  zip
  chunk           drop        each_with_object  first       inject    member?  one?       slice_before  to_a
  collect         drop_while  entries           flat_map    lazy      min      partition  sort          to_h
  collect_concat  each_cons   exclude?          grep        many?     min_by   reduce     sort_by       to_set
  <<           col_sep            fcntl             header_convert     lineno      readline         skip_blanks?  to_io
  add_row      convert            field_size_limit  header_converters  path        readlines        skip_lines    truncate
  binmode      converters         fileno            header_row?        pid         reopen           stat          tty?
  binmode?     each               flock             headers            pos         return_headers?  string        unconverted_fields?
  close        encoding           flush             inspect            pos=        rewind           sync          write_headers?
  close_read   eof                force_quotes?     internal_encoding  puts        row_sep          sync=
  close_write  eof?               fsync             ioctl              quote_char  seek             tell
  closed?      external_encoding  gets              isatty             read        shift            to_i
instance variables:
  @col_sep     @field_size_limit   @headers  @parsers     @re_chars        @row_sep      @unconverted_fields
  @converters  @force_quotes       @io       @quote       @re_esc          @skip_blanks  @use_headers
  @encoding    @header_converters  @lineno   @quote_char  @return_headers  @skip_lines   @write_headers

How about this:

[14] (pry) main: 0> csv =, headers: col_headers).to_a
    [0] #<CSV::Row "id,":"1" "first_name":"Justin" "last_name":"Gordon">,
    [1] #<CSV::Row "id,":"2" "first_name":"Tender" "last_name":"Love">

Well, that's getting closer.

How about if I just map those rows with a to_hash?

[16] (pry) main: 0> csv =, headers: col_headers).map(&:to_hash)
    [0] {
               "id," => "1",
        "first_name" => "Justin",
         "last_name" => "Gordon"
    [1] {
               "id," => "2",
        "first_name" => "Tender",
         "last_name" => "Love"


I hope you enjoyed this!

Closing Remark

Could your team use some help with topics like this and others covered by ShakaCode's blog and open source? We specialize in optimizing Rails applications, especially those with advanced JavaScript frontends, like React. We can also help you optimize your CI processes with lower costs and faster, more reliable tests. Scraping web data and lowering infrastructure costs are two other areas of specialization. Feel free to reach out to ShakaCode's CEO, Justin Gordon, at [email protected] or schedule an appointment to discuss how ShakaCode can help your project!
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