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React on rails pro
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React on Rails Pro

Support React on Rails development by becoming a Github sponsor and get these benefits:

  1. 1-hour per month of support via Slack, PR reviews, and Zoom for React on Rails, React-Rails, Shakapacker, rails/webpacker, ReScript (ReasonML), TypeScript, Rust, etc.
  2. React on Rails Pro Software that extends React on Rails with Node server rendering, fragment caching, code-splitting, and other performance enhancements for React on Rails.

See the React on Rails Pro Support Plan.

ShakaCode can also help you with your custom software development needs. We specialize in marketplace and e-commerce applications that utilize both Rails and React. Because we own, we can leverage that code for your app!

Please email Justin Gordon [email protected], the maintainer of React on Rails, for more information.

Pro: Fragment Caching

Fragment caching is a React on Rails Pro feature. Fragment caching is a HUGE performance booster for your apps. Use the cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash. The API is the same as react_component and react_component_hash, but for 2 differences:

  1. The cache_key takes the same parameters as any Rails cache view helper.
  2. The props are passed via a block so that evaluation of the props is not done unless the cache is broken. Suppose you put your props calculation into some method called some_slow_method_that_returns_props:
<%= cached_react_component("App", cache_key: [@user, @post], prerender: true) do
end %>

Such fragment caching saves CPU work for your web server and greatly reduces the request time. It completely skips the evaluation costs of:

  1. Database calls to compute the props.
  2. Serialization the props values hash into a JSON string for evaluating JavaScript to server render.
  3. Costs associated with evaluating JavaScript from your Ruby code.
  4. Creating the HTML string containing the props and the server-rendered JavaScript code.

Note, even without server rendering (without step 3 above), fragment caching is still effective.

Pro: Integration with Node.js for Server Rendering

Default server rendering is done by ExecJS. If you want to use a Node.js server for better performing server rendering, email [email protected]. ShakaCode has built a premium Node rendering server that is part of React on Rails Pro.