Heroku Deployment

Most React on Rails Pro installations of the Node SSR Renderer will deploy the Rails and Renderer instances on the same server. This technique results in better performance since it avoids network latency.

Scroll down if you want to have different servers.

Deploying to the Same Server As Your App Server

buildpack for runit



web: bin/runsvdir-dyno



puma: bundle exec puma -C config/puma.rb
renderer: bin/node-renderer


cd client
yarn run node-renderer

Be sure your script to run the node-renderer sets some port, like 3800 which is also set as the config.renderer_url for your Rails server.


Any task in client/package.json that starts the node-renderer

Modifying Precompile Task

Not necessary if you are using bundle caching as doing so will result in the below being done automatically.

To avoid the initial round trip to get a bundle on the renderer, you can do something like this to copy the file during precompile.

See lib/tasks/assets.rake for a couple tasks that you can use.

If you're using the default tmp/bundles subdirectory for the node-renderer, you don't need to set the ENV value for RENDERER_BUNDLE_PATH. Otherwise, please set this ENV value so the files get copied to the right place.

Then you can use the rake task: react_on_rails_pro:pre_stage_bundle_for_node_renderer.

You might do something like this:

    .enhance([:environment, "react_on_rails:assets:compile_environment"])
    .enhance do


If you get this sort of error, then you're forgetting to configure the PORT on the node-renderer and setting the config.renderer_url on the Rails App.

bundler: failed to load command: puma (/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/bin/puma)
Errno::EADDRINUSE: Address already in use - bind(2) for "" port 21752
  /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/puma-4.3.3/lib/puma/binder.rb:229:in `initialize'

Separate Rails and Node Render Instances

Deploy Node renderer to Heroku

  1. Create your Heroku app with Node.js buildpack, say renderer-test.herokuapp.com.
  2. In your JS configuration file or
    1. If setting the port, ensure the port uses process.env.PORT so it will use port number provided by Heroku environment. The default is to use the env value RENDERER_PORT if available. (TODO: Need to check on this)
    2. Set password in your configuration to something like process.env.RENDERER_PASSWORD and configure the corresponding ENV variable on your Heroku dyno so the config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb uses this value.
  3. Run deployment process (usually by pushing changes to Git repo associated with created Heroku app).
  4. Once deployment process is finished, renderer should start listening from something like renderer-test.herokuapp.com host.

Deploy react_on_rails application to Heroku

  1. Create your Heroku app for react_on_rails.
  2. Configure your app to communicate with renderer app you've created above. Put the following to your initializers/react_on_rails_pro (assuming you have SSL certificate uploaded to your renderer Heroku app or you use Heroku wildcard certificate under *.herokuapp.com) and configure corresponding ENV variable for the render_url and/or password on your Heroku dyno.
  3. Run deployment process (usually by pushing changes to Git repo associated with created Heroku app).
  4. Once deployment process is finished, all rendering requests form your react_on_rails app should be served by <your-heroku-app>.herokuapp.com app via HTTPS.
