
Caching at the React on Rails level can greatly speed up your app and reduce the load on your servers, allowing more requests for a given level of hardware.

Consult the Rails Guide on Caching for details on:

See the bottom note on confirming and debugging cache keys.


React on Rails Pro has caching at 2 levels:

  1. "Fragment caching" view helpers, cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash.
  2. Caching of requests for server rendering.


If tracing is turned on in your config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb, you'll see timing log messages that begin with [ReactOnRailsPro:1234]: exec_server_render_js where 1234 is the process id and exec_server_render_js could be a different method being traced.

  • exec_server_render_js: Timing of server rendering, which may have the prerender_caching turned on.
  • cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash: Timing of the cached view helper which maybe calling server rendering.

Here's a sample. Note the second request

Started GET "/server_side_redux_app_cached" for ::1 at 2018-05-24 22:40:13 -1000
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] exec_server_render_js: ReduxApp, 230.7ms
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] cached_react_component: ReduxApp, 2483.8ms
Completed 200 OK in 3613ms (Views: 3407.5ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Started GET "/server_side_redux_app_cached" for ::1 at 2018-05-24 22:40:36 -1000
Processing by PagesController#server_side_redux_app_cached as HTML
  Rendering pages/server_side_redux_app_cached.html.erb within layouts/application
[ReactOnRailsPro:63422] cached_react_component: ReduxApp, 1.1ms
Completed 200 OK in 19ms (Views: 16.4ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms)

Prerender (Server Side Rendering) Caching


  1. Server side rendering is typically done like a stateless functional component, meaning that the result should be idempotent from based on props passed in.
  2. It's much easier than configuring fragment caching. So long as you have some space in your Rails cache, "it should just work."

Why not?

If you're using regular caching for most componentas (cached_react_component_hash), and you don't want to use caching for other components, then having prerender caching still results in caching for all your rendering calls, increasing the liklihood of premature cache ejection.

In the future, React on Rails will allow stateful server rendering. Thus, your server side JavaScript depend on externalities, such as AJAX calls for GraphQL. In that case, you will set this caching to false.


The largest percentage gains will come from saving the time of server rendering. However, even when not doing server rendering, caching can be effective as the caching will prevent the calculation of the props and the conversion to a string of the prop values.


To enable caching server rendering requests to the JavaScript calculation engine (ExecJS or Node Renderer), set this config value in config/initializers/react_on_rails_pro.rb to true (default is false):

  config.prerender_caching = true

Server rendering JavaScript evaluation requests are cached by a cache key that considers the following:

  1. Hash of the server bundle.
  2. The JavaScript code to evaluate.


if you're using react_component_hash, you'll get 2 extra keys returned:

  1. RORP_CACHE_KEY: the prerender cache key
  2. RORP_CACHE_HIT: whether or not there was a cache hit.

It can be useful to log these to the rendered HTML page to debug caching issues.

React on Rails Fragment Caching

This is very similar to Rails fragment caching.

From the Rails docs:

Fragment Caching allows a fragment of view logic to be wrapped in a cache block and served out of the cache store when the next request comes in.

It is similar in that the most important parts that you need to consider are:

  1. Determining the optimal cache keys that minimize any cost such as database queries.
  2. Clearing the Rails.cache on some deployments.

If you're already familiar with Rails fragment caching, the React on Rails implementation should feel familiar.

The reasons "why" and "why not" are the same as for basic Rails fragment caching:

Why Use Fragment Caching?

  1. Next to caching at the controller or HTTP level, this is the fastest type of caching.
  2. The additional complexity to add this with React on Rails Pro is minimal.
  3. The performance gains can be huge.
  4. The load on your Rails server can be far lessened.

Why Not Use Fragment Caching?

  1. It's tricky to get all the right cache keys. You have to consider any values that can change and cause the rendering to change. See the Rails docs for cache keys
  2. Testing is a bit tricky or just not done for fragment caching.
  3. Some deployments require you to clear caches.

Considerations for Determining Your Cache Key

  1. Consult the Rails docs for cache keys for help with cache key definitions.
  2. If your React code depends on any values from the Rails Context, such as the locale or the URL location, then be sure to include such values in your cache key. In other words, if you are using some JavaScript such as react-router that depends on your URL, or on a call to toLocalString(locale), then be sure to include such values in your cache key. To find the values that React on Rails uses, use some code like this:
the_rails_context = rails_context
i18nLocale = the_rails_context[:i18nLocale]
location = the_rails_context[:location]

If you are calling rails_context from your controller method, then prefix it like this: helpers.rails_context so long as you have react_on_rails > 11.2.2. If less than that, call helpers.send(:rails_context, server_side: true)

If performance is particulary sensitive, consult the view helper definition for rails_context. For example, you can save the cost of calculating the rails_context by directly getting a value:

i18nLocale = I18n.locale

How: API

Here is the doc for helpers cached_react_component and cached_react_component_hash. Consult the docs in React on Rails for the non-cached analogies react_component and react_component_hash. These docs only show the differences.

  # Provide caching support for react_component in a manner akin to Rails fragment caching.
  # All the same options as react_component apply with the following difference:
  # 1. You must pass the props as a block. This is so that the evaluation of the props is not done
  #    if the cache can be used.
  # 2. Provide the cache_key option
  #    cache_key: String or Array (or Proc returning a String or Array) containing your cache keys. 
  #    If prerender is set to true, the server bundle digest will be included in the cache key. 
  #    The cache_key value is the same as used for conventional Rails fragment caching.
  # 3. Optionally provide the `:cache_options` key with a value of a hash including as 
  #    :compress, :expires_in, :race_condition_ttl as documented in the Rails Guides
  # 4. Provide boolean values for `:if` or `:unless` to conditionally use caching.

You can find the :cache_options documented in the Rails docs for ActiveSupport cache store.

API Usage examples

The fragment caching for react_component:

<%= cached_react_component("App", cache_key: [@user, @post], prerender: true) do
end %>

Suppose you only want to cache when current_user.nil?. Use the :if option (unless: is analogous):

<%= cached_react_component("App", cache_key: [@user, @post], prerender: true, if: current_user.nil?) do
end %>

And a fragment caching version for the react_component_hash:

<% result = cached_react_component_hash("ReactHelmetApp", cache_key: [@user, @post],
                                           id: "react-helmet-0") do
   end %>

<% content_for :title do %>
  <%= react_helmet_app['title'] %>
<% end %>

<%= react_helmet_app["componentHtml"] %>

<% printable_cache_key = ReactOnRailsPro::Utils.printable_cache_key(result[:RORP_CACHE_KEY]) %>
<!-- <%= "CACHE_HIT: #{result[:RORP_CACHE_HIT]}, RORP_CACHE_KEY: #{printable_cache_key}" %> -->

Note in the above example, React on Rails Pro returns both the raw cache key and whether or not there was a cache hit.

Your JavaScript Bundles and Cache Keys

When doing fragment caching of server rendering with React on Rails Pro, the cache key must reflect your React. This is analogous to how Rails puts an MD5 hash of your views in the cache key so that if the views change, then your cache is busted. In the case of React code, if your React code changes, then your bundle name will change if you are doing the inclusion of a hash in the name. However, if you are using a separate webpack configuration to generate the server bundle file, then you must not include the hash in the output filename or else you will have a race condition overwriting your manifest.json. Regardless of which case you have, React on Rails handles it.

Confirming and Debugging Cache Keys

Cache key composition can be confirmed in development mode with the following steps. THe goal is to confirm that some change that should trigger new cached data actually triggers a new cache key. For example, when the server bundle changes, does that trigger a new cache key for any server rendering?

  1. Run Rails.cache.clear to clear the cache.
  2. Run rails dev:cache to toggle caching in development mode.

You will see a message like:

Development mode is now being cached.

You might need to check your config/development.rbcontains the following:

  # Enable/disable caching. By default caching is disabled.
  if Rails.root.join("tmp/caching-dev.txt").exist?
    config.action_controller.perform_caching = true

    config.cache_store = :memory_store
    config.public_file_server.headers = {
      "Cache-Control" => "public, max-age=172800"
    # For Rails >= 5.1 determines whether to log fragment cache reads and writes in verbose format as follows:
    config.action_controller.perform_caching = false

    config.cache_store = :null_store
  1. Start your server in development mode. You should see cache entries in the console log. Fetch the page that uses the cache. Make a note of the cache key used for the cached component.

  2. Suppose you want to confirm that updated JavaScript causes a cache key change. Make any change to the JavaScript that's server rendered or change the version of any package in the bundle.

  3. Check the cache entry again. You should have noticed that it changed.

To avoid seeing the cache calls to the prerender_caching, you can temporarily set:

config.prerender_caching = false